1 Kết quả cho Hashtag: 'TEXT STEGANOGRAPHY'
Robust text watermarking based on line shifting
Alexander Kozachok, Sergey Kopylov08:02 | 09/07/2019CSKH - 01.2018 - (Abstract) - This article presents an approach to protection of printed text data by watermark embedding in the printing process. Data protection is based on robust watermark embedding that is invariant to text data format converting into image. The choice of a robust watermark within the confines of the presented classification of digital watermark is justified. The requirements to developed robust watermark have been formed. According to the formed requirements and existing restrictions, an approach to robust watermark embedding into text data based on a steganographic algorithm of line spacing shifting has been developed. The block diagram and the description of the developed algorithm of data embedding into text data are given. An experimental estimation of the embedding capacity and perceptual invisibility of the developed data embedding approach was carried out. An approach to extract embedded information from images containing a robust watermark has been developed. The limits of the retrieval, extraction accuracy and robustness evaluation of embedded data to various transformations have been experimentally established.