EEG Signals For Authentication In Security Systems

08:00 | 13/01/2017

CSKH-02.2016 - (Tóm tắt) - Trong bài báo này, chúng tôi giới thiệu những phương pháp mới nhất và một số hướng nghiên cứu cho một hệ thống xác thực sử dụng sóng não.

Abstract— Authentication has been playing an important role in security systems and security operations. In a general sense, there are three types of person authentication: something a person knows (password-based), something a person has (token-based), and something a person is (biometric-based). Each has its own merits but also there are drawbacks which can cause vulnerabilities to security systems. Recently, technological advances make it easy to obtain Electroencephalography (EEG) signals. Moreover, the evidence shows that finding repeatable and stable brainwave patterns in EEG signals is feasible, and the prospect of using EEG signals for person authentication promising. An EEG-based person authentication system has the combined advantages of all three types of person authentication currently in use, yet without their drawbacks. Therefore, an EEG-based person authentication system should be suitable for especially high security systems. In this paper, we further speculate on that issue to provide a comprehensive review of state-of-the-art methods and some research directions for such an authentication system.

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